Natural Treatment of Diabetes, Part 1


A recent survey found that 50% of adult Americans suffer from diabetes or pre-diabetes. Today we talk to a doctor who is spending his life savings placing ads to educate North Americans and Australians about the diabetes crisis. Dr. John Poothullil, a former pediatric allergist and author of "Eat, Chew, Live," turned his attention to the problem of abnormal blood sugar after discovering, in his early 40s, that he was inexplicably gaining weight and was becoming pre-diabetic. His intensive research led him to challenge orthodox scientific views on the causes of obesity and elevated blood sugar. He has concluded that drug interventions merely address one attribute of the problem—glucose levels—while not necessarily enhancing the health and longevity of patients who seem successfully medicated, but remain at risk. The key to diabetes prevention and reversal, he believes is via diet; exercise and stress reduction play important supporting roles. He explains in understandable form the complex physiology that underlies diabetes, and why a low-carbohydrate diet, not drugs, should be the mainstay of its treatment. Click HERE for part 2.

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