Natural Solutions to Neuro-Developmental Problems, Part 1


Dr. Martha Herbert, author of "The Autism Revolution," is a pediatric neurologist and assistant professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School. She is a classically-trained neuroscientist with a naturopath’s passion for applying natural solutions to neuro-developmental problems of children. Her Body Brain Resilience Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts is pioneering biomedical treatment and research for autism spectrum disorder. Why are current models for research into autism inadequate? What roles do environmental pollution, poor diet and genetic susceptibility play in autism? Can pre-conceptual planning head off neuro-developmental disorders? What role does the microbiome play in childhood cognitive problems? With sophisticated brain-imaging techniques at her disposal, Dr. Herbert plans research into causes and cures. Her Documenting Hope Film Project will attempt to illustrate the potential of natural interventions to reverse childhood illnesses—not just autism but also diabetes, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and obesity. Click HERE for part 2.

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