It’s Detox Time! Part 1


Now that Superbowl is about to be behind us, it’s a great time to shed those holiday pounds with a mid-winter detox. The ideal template for a detox is, "The New Fat Flush Plan," by Ann Louise Gittleman. Why does Ann Louise say that “a diet without detox is doomed to fail?” What role does the liver play in detoxification? What nutrients support detox? What’s a "metabolic reset?" Ann Louise explains the rationale for use of “cran-water,” CLA, MCT oil, and bone broth in her program. What cleansing supplements does she recommend? What are the Top 10 obstacles to weight loss? How can women overcome Estrogen Dominance? Why, paradoxically, do you need dietary fat to help you lose body fat? Click HERE for part 2.

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