Integrative Approaches to Dementia and Alzheimer’s, Part 1


Lisa Feiner, co-founder and director of the Sharp Again Naturally foundation, discusses integrative approaches to dementia and Alzheimer’s. The mission of Sharp Again Naturally is to educate the public and medical community about reversible causes of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease, and advocate for new testing and treatment protocols. While a drug “fix’ for Alzheimer’s remains elusive, despite billions spent on research, lifestyle measures and integrative strategies are increasingly becoming validated. A new study by UCLA researcher Dr. Dale Bredesen yielded 90% success in a small trial involving diet modification, exercise, targeted supplementation, and stress reduction. What might be the key components of an anti-dementia diet? What supplements are plausible for Alzheimer’s reversal? How can coconut oil be employed in an Alzheimer’s reversal program? What role might environmental toxicity play in cognitive decline? How does polypharmacy increase the risk of dementia in the vulnerable elderly? Are hormones a factor? With input from the public and the medical community, Sharp Again Naturally is trying to instigate a profound paradigm shift in our current one-dimensional drug-oriented approach to cognitive decline. Click HERE for part 2.

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