Clinical Focus: GERD, Part 1


Gastro-esophageal reflux disease GERD affects tens of millions of Americans. Many are relegated to long-term dependency on proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs), powerful acid-blockers that are prescribed for a lifetime. But they are very hard to discontinue due to acid-rebound; additionally they have lots of side effects including nutritional deficiencies, osteoporosis, heart attacks, dementia, kidney disease, IBS, higher risk of stomach infections like C. difficile, pneumonia, and headaches, nausea and rashes. Elimination diets can help; gluten-free, low-carb, FODMAP, and Paleo diets have proven benefits. Certain medications can worsen GERD. So, too, can chronic esophageal Candida infections which are encouraged by long-term acid suppression and can be missed by gastroenterologists. We describe a tapering protocol that has been successfully used by many Hoffman Center patients to get off PPIs. We consider nutraceuticals that can support a successful weaning from PPIs: DGL, Endefen, melatonin, aloe, hydrochloric acid and/or digestive enzymes, probiotics and Iberogast. Read more in this week's article, "NEWSFLASH: Heartburn not caused by excess acidity!," on Click HERE for part 2.

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