All the Breaking Health News from the American College for Advancement in Medicine Meeting, Part 1


I recently attended the annual meeting of the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) in Las Vegas. Here’s a brief synopsis of some of the highlights: • Dr. Tony Lamas presented the results of the TACT study—a resounding vindication of chelation therapy. In fact, chelation works better than any known drug to prevent heart disease! • Drs. Jennifer Landa and Lynn Patrick addressed environmental toxins: What are signs that your detox systems are failing? What supplements help to restore them? • Dr. Russell Jaffee lists the tests that assess your anti-aging defenses • Cancer: High-tech breakthroughs, hyperthermia, and the ketogenic diet (Dr. Thomas Seyfried) • Dr. Tom Guilliams on adrenal function, saliva cortisol tests, the effects of stress, and natural adaptogens • Preconception planning, pregnancy and infancy with Dr. Martha Herbert • Nutrigenomics—how genetic analysis can guide diet and supplement choices Click HERE for part 2.

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