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ENCORE: The Truth About Statins, Part 1
August 21, 2018
The Truth About Statins: Risks and Alternatives to Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs. Cardiologist Barbara Roberts, M.D. dishes on the exaggerated benefits and underplayed risks of statins. One in 4 U.S. adults aged 40-75 takes these cholesterol-lowering drugs. Dr. Roberts asserts that the American Heart Association, which wholeheartedly endorses statins, is merely a marketing arm of the pharmaceutical industry. Statin side effects include muscle aches, liver problems, cognitive decline, fatigue, cataracts, and a markedly higher risk of diabetes, especially in women. Reported benefits of statins are hyped with statistical manipulation and publication bias. Drugs that “halve the risk of heart problems” may only confer a 1% reduction in absolute risk with use over five years. Scores and sometimes hundreds of patients need to take statins unnecessarily with their accompanying side effects to save a single patient from heart attack or death. Yet, the indications for statin use have been extended to encompass millions more “at risk” Americans according to new, dubious criteria. Dr. Roberts argues that, while a small percentage of patients need statins, the vast majority of people can favorably impact their risk with a Mediterranean diet and exercise. For some groups, particularly older Americans and most women, statins are of minimal benefit and may be downright harmful. Studies show that low cholesterol is associated with higher risk of death among seniors—which is bad news for the new raft of PSK-9 lipid drugs currently under consideration for approval that lower cholesterol even more dramatically than statins. Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: The Truth About Statins, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Cardiologist Barbara Roberts, M.D. about her book, The Truth About Statins: Risks and Alternatives to Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs. Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for August 18, Part 1
August 20, 2018
New study throws shade on low-carb diets—or does it? What causes brown spots on hands—and can supplements prevent them? A caller can’t take supplements for osteoporosis—what’s the alternative? BPA and Splenda implicated in inflammatory bowel disease causation; Mourning the passing of a pioneer of environmental medicine—Dr. William Rea; NYU med school goes tuition-free; Does the weight gain associated with smoking cessation negate the benefits of quitting? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for August 18, Part 2

Bayer socked with landmark $289 million judgement over Monsanto’s Round-Up as cause of groundskeeper’s cancer; Glyphosate residues in your child’s breakfast cereals; Court orders ban on agricultural use of farm pesticide chlorpyrifos; Mushrooms deliver pre-biotics that help blood sugar control; Blanket recommendations for drastic salt reduction not evidence-based; Supplements for multiple myeloma; Multi-strain vs. individual probiotics; Should you avoid berberine if you’re taking a statin? Life expectancy is going in reverse in the U.S.—why? Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) derived from cruciferous vegetables found to prevent colon cancer. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In: Can Your Liver Impact Your Risk for Alzheimer’s?
August 17, 2018
Use of a common biomarker may overestimate B12 deficiency in certain patients; Alzheimer's disease risk impacted by the liver; Omega-3s could help kids reduce disruptive behavior.



ENCORE: Unlocking Your Personal Genetic Code, Part 1
August 16, 2018
"The DNA Restart," by Dr. Sharon Moalem, aims to help to “unlock your personal genetic code to eat for your genes, lose weight and reverse aging;" How does “epigenetics” shape the expression of our genes? Can you overcome genetic faults through lifestyle modification? Nutrigenomics is the science of predicting what diet a person should be on based on genetic analysis—are genetic home tests that tell you what diet to follow not yet ready for primetime? Dr. Moalem shares some functional tests that readers can easily perform at home: the “cracker test;” the "ear wax test;” Dr. Moalem is also the author of a previous book “Survival of the Sickest” which explains how some seemingly bad genes help to protect us; What is “umami” and how can it be harnessed to keep us from over-eating? What crucial culinary tip helps to harness the benefits of garlic? Why does Dr. Moalem favor Oolong tea? How can a low-cholesterol diet sometimes backfire and result in higher cholesterol? How do exercise and sleep help us maximize our genetic potential? Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: Unlocking Your Personal Genetic Code, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Sharon Moalem, author of "The DNA Restart: Unlock Your Personal Genetic Code to Eat for Your Genes, Lose Weight, and Reverse Aging." Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
August 15, 2018
Saturated fat more likely to cause liver damage, heart disease and diabetes than sugar, claims American Diabetes Association. An 80-year-old woman with osteoporosis and a compression fracture who is against taking Prolia. What should she do? Microbiome diet v. Paleo diet? Why do people lose their appetites? Is there a situation where decreased appetite is "nothing to worry about"? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

Besides magnesium, what else can be taken to alleviate cramps in toes and calves after ballroom dancing? What do you think of the association between OCD and strep infection? Does this happen primarily in children? What is the difference between phophatidylserine and phophatidylcholine? Is one better than the other? Alana Cowen's article on gestational diabetes and diet? Click HERE for part 1.



Groundbreaking Support for Heart Health, Part 1
August 14, 2018
Dr. Ross Pelton, pharmacist, clinical nutritionist, health educator, and Scientific Advisor for Essential Formulas, discusses glutathione production – the body’s MASTER ANTIOXIDANT. It's used by every cell in the human body. And it’s especially vital for heart health. He discusses some of the ways the Reg’Activ Cardio Wellness formula helps you produce glutathione and reduces some of the risks associated with cardiovascular disease. He also discusses recent health reports that allege “probiotics may cause brain fog”? Isn’t the opposite true—that there’s an emerging science of “psychobiotics” where it’s been demonstrated that probiotics combat depression and anxiety? At what age is it safe for kids to begin to take Dr. Ohhira’s or Reg’Activ? What new insights are we gaining about the microbiome’s remarkable role in supporting human evolutionary adaptation? Where are we headed in probiotic science? Will there be targeted probiotics designed to treat specific diseases? Are current microbiome tests accurate enough to predict which probiotics people should take? What are “post-biotics” and why are they important? Click HERE for part 2.


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ENCORE: The Numerous Health Benefits of Mushrooms, Part 2
