The Intelligent Medicine Podcast

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Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
November 21, 2018
Taking NAC on an empty stomach followed by a coffee enema makes me feel a lot better throughout the day!; I have Lynch syndrome and a sebaceous gland carcinoma, what dietary regimen should I follow?; My cortisol levels are high, what would you suggest to lower them?; What is the substance found in a live blood analysis that makes fasting easier? Click HERE for part 1.



Corporate Malfeasance v. Public Health, Part 1
November 20, 2018
Spotlight on glyphosate and GMOs with Carey Gillam, author of "Whitewash: The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer, and the Corruption of Science." Gillam is an investigative journalist whose passion for the truth led her to disturbing conclusions about the herbicide glyphosate, widely used on “Round-Up Ready” crops. It’s maker Monsanto—now Bayer—is facing multiple lawsuits by plaintiffs claiming Roundup caused their cancers. Particularly disturbing are cases of rare aggressive variants of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma among agricultural workers. Gillam found herself vilified and delegitimized after calling out the dangers of glyphosate; the agribusiness industry has powerful allies in government, the media, in regulatory agencies and has infiltrated academic circles. How pervasive is glyphosate in our environment, in our food supply, in our bloodstreams, even in breast milk? What potential effects does glyphosate have on the nervous system, on fertility, and on the microbiome? Why might children be more vulnerable? How does it affect soil quality? Is the threatened demise of the Monarch butterfly attributable to glyphosate? How has glyphosate use brought about the unintended consequence of more use of other dangerous herbicides? What can be done to minimize exposure? Click HERE for part 2.



Corporate Malfeasance v. Public Health, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Carey Gillam, author of "Whitewash: The Story of a Weed Killer, Cancer, and the Corruption of Science." Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 17, Part 1
November 19, 2018
Low carb diets shown to be best for losing weight and controlling insulin, appetite; Gluten avoidance—even without celiac disease—improves GI symptoms and promotes weight loss; Correct strategy for addressing dysbiosis with antimicrobials; A caller reports great results with natural strategies for ulcerative colitis for her 18 yr old, but now wants acne advice. Darkness, cold weather, prompt booze cravings; A caller with heart enlargement and mitral valve regurgitation; Natural support for concussions; Pycnogenol for prostate enlargement. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 17, Part 2

Glyphosate in Roundup disrupts intestinal bacteria, causes anxiety-like behaviors in mice; Results of magnesium study confirm effectiveness of new bio-available formulation; Does the chocolate in puddings, cakes, and mousse still confer health benefits? Diet, supplements for Parkinson’s Disease; Is “Cholestepure” a good supplement for heart disease prevention? Sulforaphane vs. the flu; Is longevity inherited? Therapeutic benefits of hugs. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In: The Benefits of Cutting Carbs in the Morning
November 16, 2018
The case against taking sodium bicarbonate to be more alkaline; Cutting carbs in the morning equals better weight loss and waist size.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
November 15, 2018
EBT heart scans now recommended for cardiac workups; More people are practicing yoga and meditation today than ever before; A word about organic foods and GMOs; Intermittent fasting, should it required for everyone over the age of 20?; I have the APOE 4/4 gene. How can I prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease?; The nurse in my doctor's office said my vitamin K supplement causes blood clots! Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

What is the impact of Lipitor on vitamin K? Could statins increase calcification in the heart?; Folic acid and B12 supplementation and the risk of colon cancer; Could EcoPhage be as miraculous as described?; What do you think of the study correlating high vitamin D levels to prostate cancer?; What's the correct dosage of strontium to take? Click HERE for part 1.



The Benefits of Aged Garlic Extract for Hypertension & Heart Health, Part 1
November 14, 2018
Dr. James LaValle, R.Ph., C.C.N., a nationally recognized clinical pharmacist, author, and board-certified clinical nutritionist, details the health benefits of aged garlic extract for hypertension and heart health. What are the biggest issues that we face today with controlling heart disease? How big of a problem is HYPERTENSION and how do you know that you have a problem with your blood pressure? What are the most important factors that lead to having problems with your blood pressure? What are some of the best lifestyle and diet strategies to help with supporting blood pressure health? Everyone used to think that heart health was all about cholesterol levels but now we are finding that there is much more to this story than what we previously thought. What is the latest research pointing to? What natural products are the best at helping us to overcome some of the challenges related to cardiovascular health? How does Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract help maintain good heart health? What advantages does Kyolic (A.G.E) have over regular garlic - is it odorless? Click HERE for part 2.



The Benefits of Aged Garlic Extract for Hypertension & Heart Health, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. James LaValle, R.Ph., C.C.N. Jim is a nationally recognized clinical pharmacist, author, and board-certified clinical nutritionist. Click HERE for part 1.


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Maintaining Your Cellular Health, Even During a Chronic Health Condition, Part 2
