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ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 29, Part 2
December 31, 2018
A caller newly-diagnosed with lung cancer seeks alternatives; Natural therapy for deep-seated gum infection; When doctors can’t find the cause of abdominal pain; Daily serving of leafy greens fends off cognitive decline; Even borderline blood sugars hike risk for dementia; Probiotics reduce kids’ eczema symptoms; Air pollution can disrupt menstrual cycles; Ginkgo works even in stroke survivors; The surprising reason for the surge in milk allergies. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



ENCORE: Leyla Weighs In: Nutritional Support for Migraines
December 28, 2018
Should everyone avoid nightshades? And how to eat to prevent migraines.



ENCORE: Heart Disease Early Detection, Part 1
December 27, 2018
Albert Barrette, Managing Director of Inner Imaging in New York City, is a pioneer in diagnostic radiology. He was an early proponent of EBT (Electron Beam Tomography) for early detection of heart disease. What is calcium scoring? Why is it more sensitive than a stress test? Why is it that traditional risk factors (family history, cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension, smoking, obesity, etc.) are poor predictors of heart disease risk? Why do a large percentage of patients who suffer heart attacks have normal cholesterol? And, why, paradoxically, are some patients with multiple risk factors free of coronary calcium? Does a "zero" score on the EBT test guarantee freedom from heart risk? Who should get screened, and at what age? Why don't all doctors recommend this test? Why do only some states mandate insurance reimbursement for it? Do you need a prescription to get a scan? How much radiation does it expose you to? Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: Heart Disease Early Detection, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Albert Barrette, Managing Director of Inner Imaging in New York City, a pioneer in diagnostic radiology. Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
December 26, 2018
CBD inhibits signaling of invasive breast cancer. "Thanks to your advice, I've had great improvement in my symptoms!" "According to my colonoscopy, I have "small pockets". My doctor said to eat more fiber but to avoid seeds, nuts, and my favorite foods." I'm 34-years-old and after taking lamotrigine and oral contraceptives, I have memory and cognitive symptoms, could I have a toxic brain? Can you please elaborate on what endothelial dysfunction is and is it common in those with high cholesterol? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

I have a calcium score of 25 in my "widow maker" artery, is this due to my high cholesterol? What do you say to the new guideline that it's okay for those 65 and older to have an HgbA1c of 7.1, shouldn't I keep my A1c below 6? What can I take to heal peptic ulcers? Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: Master Your Brain, Part 1
December 25, 2018
Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen bring you "The Brain Warrior's Way: Ignite Your Energy and Focus, Attack Illness and Aging, Transform Pain into Purpose," a new book as well as the subject of a current PBS Special. Why the urgency of this brain initiative? What factors are undermining Americans' brain health? What insights are neuro-imaging studies providing us about the role of diet, lifestyle, and environment on brain function? Can people actually "rewire" their brains? Why is the advice to consume "heart-healthy" alcohol not helpful for the brain? What type of diet best supports brain function (there's also a "Brain Warrior's Way Cookbook")? What supplements bolster brain health? What's the role of exercise? Of sleep? Of positive affirmation and imagery? Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: Master Your Brain, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Daniel Amen and Tana Amen, authors of "The Brain Warrior's Way: Ignite Your Energy and Focus, Attack Illness and Aging, Transform Pain into Purpose." Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 22, Part 1
December 24, 2018
Christmas cards glorify holiday drinking—even as legendary reveler Keith Richards embraces sobriety; Vitamin B3 for skin cancer prevention; Diet matters in autoimmunity—the secret may be a certain type of fiber; A simple obesity fix—remove sweets from checkout aisles; Get adequate sleep to forestall junk food cravings; Is nutritional yeast OK for people with Candida? Fixing trigger finger; CT scan reveals “severe coronary artery calcification”—what to do? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 22, Part 2

Study identifies specific nutrients that light up brain scans; Nurses score high on “ethics and honesty”; Electrical stimulation, CBD and other alternatives to opiates for pain relief; Farm Bill ratification signals end to CBD prohibition; Natural prevention of urinary tract infections; Teen vaping hooks kids on nicotine with unforeseen health consequences; Big Tobacco circumvents cigarette restrictions with big investments in vaping; What does study of hunter-gatherers tell us about the ideal human diet? Elitist NY Times op-ed calls for censorship of “bad” health information on the Internet—even as Wikipedia and social media throttle down true information about natural alternatives. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


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Intelligent Medicine Radio Show COVID-19 Coverage, Part 2
