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Surviving Cancer, Part 1
August 22, 2019
James Templeton, author of "I Used to Have Cancer: How I Found My Own Way Back to Health," was 30 when he was diagnosed with Stage 4 melanoma. Through ingenuity and determination, he beat the odds after receiving a dismal prognosis. James—whose life partner is the nutritionist and frequent Intelligent Medicine contributor Anne Louise Gittleman—describes his inspiring journey of hope and self-empowerment. Click HERE for part 2.



Surviving Cancer, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with James Templeton, author of "I Used to Have Cancer: How I Found My Own Way Back to Health." Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Red Meat
August 21, 2019
What say you to Dr. Mirkin's critique of your article on TMAO?; What about Neu5Gc -- the leading theory on the harmful effects of red meat? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Hyaluronic Acid

My wife had an appendectomy 45 years ago, does that increase her risk of Parkinson's disease?; Do you have any information on pneumatosis? Is there a treatment to correct it?; Are there any harmful effects of taking hyaluronic acid with my diabetes medicines?; I'm on medication that forbids eating grapefruit. What does that mean for the fruit and veggie pills I take? Click HERE for part 1.



The Perils of Processed Foods and Conventional Produce, Part 1
August 20, 2019
Former FDA official Dr. Renee DuFault, author of "Unsafe at Any Meal: What the FDA Does Not Want You to Know About the Foods You Eat," highlights the perils of processed foods and conventional produce—they act as “Trojan Horses” for a slew of dangerous compounds including mercury and other heavy metals, dangerous herbicides like glyphosate, and pesticides like malathion and chlorpyrifos. In particular, high fructose corn syrup is laden with mercury; its consumption has soared over eight thousand percent since its introduction into the U.S. food supply in the 1970s. In addition to its caloric impact, the mercury it delivers can act as a metabolic poison contributing to risk of obesity and diabetes. In fact, studies show that processed foods promote overweight and blood sugar dysregulation beyond their energy contribution. Avoiding processed foods and eating locally-sourced foods free of contamination has been conclusively shown to help consumers shed pounds. Even popular gluten-free, “natural” products can be unsuspected sources of environmental toxins. Dr. Dufault offers practical tips on how to avoid the perils of the modern food supply. Click HERE for part 2.



The Perils of Processed Foods and Conventional Produce, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with former FDA official Dr. Renee DuFault, author of "Unsafe at Any Meal: What the FDA Does Not Want You to Know About the Foods You Eat." Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for August 17, Part 1
August 19, 2019
Chances are, your doctor is burnt out—here’s why; Alarming rise in consumption of caffeinated energy drinks; Ozone for the treatment of ovarian cancer; New medical device approved to treat ADHD; How to read a blood test; Poor sense of smell increases 10 year risk of dying by 50%; Urine tests may offer alternative to PAP smears for cervical cancer detection; Zero tolerance for alcohol in pregnancy; FBI raids offices of popular stool testing company. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for August 17, Part 2

Natural treatments for DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness); Vitamin K vs. arthritis; Reversing fibrocystic breast disease; Positional vertigo; Gluten found in 32% of “gluten-free” restaurant samples tested with new portable device; Commuting by car while overweight is a health double whammy; Scientists develop new blood test for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In: A Green View for Better Health
August 16, 2019
Simply seeing green spaces may help reduce food cravings.



DNA testing: Is it ready for Prime-Time? Part 1
August 15, 2019
Dr. Sharon Hausman-Cohen, Chief Medical Director of IntellxxDNA, shares her perspective on the genetic testing revolution. What’s the difference between a mutation and a SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism)? How does the IntellxxDNA test differ from, say, 23andMe? Isn’t it potentially scary to find out you have a “bad” gene, like the ApoE4 gene that’s associated with Alzheimer’s Disease risk? Can genetic risk factors be overcome with diet, exercise, and targeted supplements? IntellxxDNA pinpoints obesity genes, genes that predispose to diabetes and heart disease, macular degeneration, autoimmune disorders, thyroid problems and osteoporosis. Certain SNPs predict the likelihood of neurodegenerative diseases when exposed to environmental toxins like mercury and glyphosate. Others may dictate higher requirements for antioxidants, B vitamins, magnesium, vitamin D, and choline. Why is the IntellxxDNA test only available through health practitioners? Some critics say genetic testing is only in its infancy and not yet ready for primetime—is this mistaken? What can genomic testing tell us about remedial strategies for autism? Click HERE for part 2.


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