The Intelligent Medicine Podcast

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Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 26, Part 1
October 28, 2019
The looming disaster of a broken medical system: burnout rampant among medical professionals and toll of waste approaches 1 trillion dollars; Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine gets high marks in landmark study; A caller’s wife faces a choice over treatment for osteoporosis; You’ve heard of the smart toilet—now they’re developing a smart bra; CBD for heart disease/for Parkinson’s; New study confirms low magnesium predicts heart risk; Depression—it’s an inflammatory disorder; Hospitals push new, more expensive 3D mammograms, despite scant evidence of superiority. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 26, Part 2

Migraine treatments; vitamin D for migraines; Potato purée as effective as sugary gels for long-distance endurance athletes; Stress hikes risk for life-threatening infections; Lifting weights as you age cuts risk of premature death by 46%; Prescription eye drops may eventually supplant need for reading glasses; Fatty liver prevalent among teens—even kids of normal weight; Study dispels myth that high school contact sports put kids at risk for eventual cognitive decline; Fecal transplants may relieve IBS—but only if obtained from a “super donor.” Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In: Hypoglycemia
October 25, 2019
Severe hypoglycemia indicates cardiovascular, cognitive danger -- who is at risk?



Blood Sugar Control, Part 1
October 24, 2019
For healthy individuals, in addition to a healthy diet and exercise regimen, supplements are great tools to support healthy blood sugar levels. Many botanicals and micronutrients can be used to help us with healthy glucose metabolism. Clinical Nutritionist Neil Levin details some, including chromium, berberine, banaba, and Gymnema Sylvestre, which have been well researched. Click HERE for part 2.



Blood Sugar Control, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Clinical Nutritionist Neil Levin about maintaining healthy blood glucose levels with dietary supplements. Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Magnesium
October 23, 2019
Is "Eat Less Red Meat" bad advice?; Are there any supplements helpful for preventing ALS?; Please discuss the pros and cons of magnesium; What supplements do you recommend for Barrett's Esophagus? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Kidney Stones

Vindicated! Fish oil supplements found helpful for reducing cardiac events; Help! I have relentless kidney stones!; Do you recommend Bergamot or Berberine to lower cholesterol and are either good for lowering HgbA1c?; Is naringenin okay to take with atorvastatin? Click HERE for part 1.



The Devastating Health Effects of Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals, Part 1
October 22, 2019
"Sicker, Fatter, Poorer" is a book about the devastating health effects of hormone-disrupting chemicals. Pediatrician Leo Trasande describes how hormone-disrupting chemicals get into our bodies; how they can mimic our natural hormones and what are the consequences in terms of development and disease including diabetes and obesity, brain disorders, infertility, endometriosis, fibroids, and breast and prostate cancer; how we can limit our exposure; and how we can vote with our consumer dollars to push for safer food and household products. What are “gender benders”? How do non-stick compounds compromise thyroid function? What are the dangers of can liners and plastic wrappers? How do “obesogens” thwart our best efforts to diet and exercise? How do these chemicals perpetuate a cycle of poverty for the poor and minorities? Do environmental regulations need to be made more stringent? Sicker, Fatter, Poorer" is a book about the devastating health effects of hormone-disrupting chemicals. Pediatrician Leo Trasande describes how hormone-disrupting chemicals get into our bodies; how they can mimic our natural hormones and what are the consequences in terms of development and disease including diabetes and obesity, brain disorders, infertility, endometriosis, fibroids, and breast and prostate cancer; how we can limit our exposure; and how we can vote with our consumer dollars to push for safer food and household products. What are “gender benders”? How do non-stick compounds compromise thyroid function? What are the dangers of can liners and plastic wrappers? How do “obesogens” thwart our best efforts to diet and exercise? How do these chemicals perpetuate a cycle of poverty for the poor and minorities? Do environmental regulations need to be made more stringent? Sicker, Fatter, Poorer" is a book about the devastating health effects of hormone-disrupting chemicals. Pediatrician Leo Trasande describes how hormone-disrupting chemicals get into our bodies; how they can mimic our natural hormones and what are the consequences in terms of development and disease including diabetes and obesity, brain disorders, infertility, endometriosis, fibroids, and breast and prostate cancer; how we can limit our exposure; and how we can vote with our consumer dollars to push for safer food and household products. What are “gender benders”? How do non-stick compounds compromise thyroid function? What are the dangers of can liners and plastic wrappers? How do “obesogens” thwart our best efforts to diet and exercise? How do these chemicals perpetuate a cycle of poverty for the poor and minorities? Do environmental regulations need to be made more stringent? Click HERE for part 2.



The Devastating Health Effects of Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Pediatrician Leo Trasande who describes how hormone-disrupting chemicals get into our bodies, how they can mimic our natural hormones and the consequences in terms of development and disease. Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 19, Part 1
October 21, 2019
1 in 5 Americans reports debilitating anxiety—magnesium offers natural alternative to medication; Some question “routine” colonoscopies; Do soy supplements prevent—or promote—breast cancer? NAC improves sperm quality; For best birth outcomes—avoid alcohol months before conception; Certain BP meds up risk for suicide; Which choline supplement is best vs. dementia? Mediterranean diet vs. skin cancer; Tomato phytonutrients counter UV skin damage. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


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Continuing COVID-19 Coverage on the Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for May 2, Part 1
