The Intelligent Medicine Podcast

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ENCORE: A Realistic Approach to Exercise, Part 1
September 14, 2017
The “no pain, no gain” exercise ethos has left many unfit Americans high and dry when it comes to exercise. We face unprecedented levels of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular and other degenerative diseases attributable to our sedentary lifestyles, yet many who need it most have a hard time getting moving. Neuroscientist and motivational psychologist Dr. Michelle Segar has outlined a different, more realistic approach to exercise in her book “No Sweat: How the Simple Science of Motivation Can Bring You a Lifetime of Fitness.” She discusses why many exercise regimens fail, how health professionals miss the boat in communicating the need for physical activity, and practical ways that reluctant exercisers can reboot their fitness. What are the pitfalls of “body-shaping”, high-intensity interval training, and ultra-endurance events? Why are our current concepts of exercise creating a “fitness aristocracy” where the gulf between the high-performers and the sedentary is ever-widening? Why do we choose the wrong reasons for exercising? What if you hate exercise and have failed again and again at sticking to a fitness regimen? Dr. Segar provides workable alternatives suitable for everyone in “No Sweat." Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: A Realistic Approach to Exercise, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Michelle Segar, author of "No Sweat: How the Simple Science of Motivation Can Bring You a Lifetime of Fitness." Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A With Leyla, Part 1
September 13, 2017
Ketogenic diet found helpful for health and longevity in rodent study. What supplements can mitigate the negative side effects of prednisone, do I taper it too? Where is the best place to store supplements in your home, does it depend on the type of supplement? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A With Leyla, Part 2

Would herbs like dandelion and burdock interfere with the warfarin I'm taking? Are ashwagandha, gaba and 5HTP good for reducing stress and getting quality sleep? Which is the best diet to help reverse osteoporosis, high alkaline, Whole 30, or Salad & Salmon? Legumes are unlimited on the Salad & Salmon diet---won't that cause weight gain? Click HERE for part 1.



Medical/Nutrition Potpourri, Part 1
September 12, 2017
Medical/nutrition potpourri: When you reach for that Epi-Pen and find it expired, will it work? Are drug expiration dates a scam perpetrated on the public by greedy pharmaceutical companies? Vegetarians are almost twice as likely to suffer from depression as meat-eaters--why? Obesity rates soar, costing billions, and threatening national security--70% of potential military recruits are ineligible due to overweight! Should we restrict food stamp purchases of sugary drinks and candy, or tax soda? A new probiotic that "eats" cholesterol; Neanderthals may have practiced herbal medicine; Traditional Native American tea shows activity against giardia and brain-eating amoeba. Click HERE for part 2.



Medical/Nutrition Potpourri, Part 2

When you reach for that Epi-Pen and find it expired, will it work? Are drug expiration dates a scam perpetrated on the public by greedy pharmaceutical companies? Vegetarians are almost twice as likely to suffer from depression as meat-eaters--why? Obesity rates soar, costing billions, and threatening national security--70% of potential military recruits are ineligible due to overweight! Should we restrict food stamp purchases of sugary drinks and candy, or tax soda? A new probiotic that "eats" cholesterol; Neanderthals may have practiced herbal medicine; Traditional Native American tea shows activity against giardia and brain-eating amoeba. Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for September 9, Part 1
September 9, 2017
The hidden tolls of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma; First trial ever confirms benefits of diet for depression; Will caffeine interfere with anxiety/depression meds? A caller shares that her long-standing depression was cured when she was properly diagnosed with hypothyroidism; Yoga, meditation improve brain function, impulse control, and energy levels. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for September 9, Part 2

Which is better--krill oil or fish oil? Fossil evidence suggests Neanderthals may have practiced herbal medicine; When osteoporosis doesn't seem to be getting better with supplements; A caller who has suddenly developed allergies to beef, pork, and lamb; Journal of the American Medical Association issues clarion call for more nutrition training for health professionals, more use of diet counseling in practice; Silicon Valley moguls, Mick Jagger are using them: intermittent fasting and the ketogenic diet for memory, energy, and life extension. Mom delivers "the milk of human kindness" to displaced Houston families. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In
September 8, 2017
The myriad of crops being sprayed with glyphosate (Roundup) for harvesting purposes--it's not just wheat and soy! The probable negative impact on our health.



Clinical Focus: Gall Bladder Disease, Part 1
September 7, 2017
It's clear from studying populations like the Navajo of the U.S. Southwest and the Bedouins of Saudi Arabia that gallstones are associated with Westernized lifestyles. When diet and exercise patterns change, and rates of obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease increase, so too does the incidence of gall bladder disease. What are the "5 F's" that are risk factors for gallstones? How are gallstones formed? Is it true that excess dietary fat is the culprit? Does the "liver/gall bladder flush" remove stones? Can stones be dissolved without surgery? Should you buck your doctor's suggestion that you need surgery? What diet was shown in a 1968 study to confer 100% protection against gall bladder attacks? What are the 19 ways you can prevent or reverse gallstones? Click HERE for part 2.


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