The Intelligent Medicine Podcast

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ENCORE: Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
December 27, 2017
Which should I take for blood pressure, SuperBeets or Neo40? I’m getting diarrhea from my magnesium supplement, what can I do about it? What do you think of taking Fosteum for osteopenia? Are there supplements to avoid while taking Coumadin? What can my son do about his low platelet count and low testosterone? How can I make sure I’m not overdoing it on my supplement intake? Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

My wife has prediabetes, what can she take to help normalize her blood sugar? What can I take for borderline glaucoma? Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 23, Part 1
December 25, 2017
Sugary sodas and junk food top the shopping list of food stamp recipients; Gary Taubes new book, "The Case Against Sugar," argues that sugar is the world’s most popular addictive drug; Seniors who spend more time sitting shrink their telomeres, shorten their lives; Do “weekend warriors” garner the same exercise benefits as consistent exercisers? How alcohol ramps up appetite signals; What are the benefits of essential oils? A caller asks: “Why do I break out in an itchy rash when I eat too many sweets? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 23, Part 2

Eating hot peppers associated with 13 percent reduction in death; Up to 3 eggs per day not only not harmful for heart health, may help reduce heart risk; Type I (insulin-dependent) diabetes may start in the gut; Which is worse, glucose or fructose? What to do for a 4 year old with chronic ear infections? Can prolonged workplace stress trigger cancer? Obamacare: Why "repeal and replace” alone won’t get to the heart of what’s wrong with our healthcare system; Depression is as dangerous as being fat, causing almost one in five heart deaths. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In
December 22, 2017
Leyla tackles this listener question: "I typically follow a Paleo/Whole 30 diet, and I recently became pregnant. Is this type of diet safe for my pregnancy?" Plus, vegetarianism linked to depression.



The Craving Cure, Part 1
December 21, 2017
"The Craving Cure: Identify your Craving Type to Activate Your Natural Appetite Control," by Julia Ross. Why is it so hard for us to stick to healthy diets? The author of "The Mood Cure" has an action plan for implementing your 2018 weight loss resolution. Using a detailed questionnaire, you can determine which of 5 Craving Types is undermining your dietary adherence. Are you a depressed craver? Or do you use food to alleviate your anxiety? Are dips in blood sugar responsible? Or perhaps you use food to energize and stimulate yourself? Or maybe food is a source of emotional solace? What amino acid regimens correspond to each type? Why have dietary changes since 1970 turned us into a nation of cravers? How can meat and saturated fat alleviate cravings? Click HERE for part 2.



The Craving Cure, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Julia Ross, author of "The Craving Cure: Identify Your Craving Type to Activate Your Natural Appetite Control." Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 16, Part 1
December 18, 2017
Full-fat milk raises good HDL cholesterol without adverse consequences for LDL, triglycerides, insulin; Why then do U.S. Dietary Guidelines still recommend substituting low-fat dairy products? Red yeast rice for cholesterol; If you’re HIV+, marijuana may slow cognitive decline; What to do if you have trouble taking Strontium at bedtime as recommended for osteoporosis? What’s the difference between raw milk and processed milk? How can you forestall declining kidney function? Wine glasses are getting super-sized, encouraging increased alcohol consumption. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 16, Part 2

Olive polyphenols forestall bone loss; If you have high cholesterol but your scan shows zero coronary artery plaque, do you still need a statin? Is Bergamot an alternative for lowering cholesterol? The latest edition of Doctors Behaving Badly; Why it’s important to balance your calcium/magnesium ratio; What’s the link between air pollution and juvenile delinquency? New evidence that Lyme bacteria resist antibiotics and hide from tests; Hot tea lowers eye pressure in glaucoma; More preemies seen when babies born within 1 kilometer of fracking sites; Family meals improve kids’ mental and physical health; Does ginkgo biloba improve outcomes for stroke sufferers? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In
December 15, 2017
Do food preparation methods affect allergies? How processing methods affect the allergenicity of foods; The truth about autoimmune disease.


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