Protecting Your Access to Natural Therapies, Part 1


The Alliance for Natural Health is a Washington, DC-based advocacy organization that is devoted to protecting natural medicine consumers’ access to therapies and products of their choice. Today we speak to their Communications Director, Tim Reihm, who brings us up to date on efforts to preserve natural medicine compounding pharmacies which are instrumental in preparing custom medications, bio-identical hormones, and intravenous ingredients used by patients of integrative practitioners, details of which can be found at Tim also dishes on ANH’s campaign to promote full disclosure of GMO ingredients in foods, particularly in light of the impending approval of a new, non-browning GMO apple. We also discuss New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s recent misguided efforts to tarnish the supplement industry. ANH-USA provides a reliable counterbalance to often misleading mainstream media coverage of issues relating to natural medicine. Click HERE for part 2.

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