Cease and Desist, Part 1


Steve Mister of the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) dishes on the recent “cease and desist” order leveled against major retailers of herbal supplements by New York’s Attorney General Eric Schneiderman: “These actions . . . smack of a self-serving publicity stunt under the guise of protecting public health.” He claims the DNA barcoding methodology used by the AG is inappropriate; proper testing would support the potency and safety of the herbal products in question. The AG has not taken calls from responsible representatives of the supplement community, and he refuse to divulge the raw data on which the recall action is based. Steve Mister discusses the elaborate safeguards already in place by supplement manufacturers, and argues that more regulations are not the answer. He offers tips on how consumers can assure themselves of the quality and purity of supplements they use. He urges NY residents to express their concerns directly to the Attorney General, and is spearheading a Twitter campaign: “Hashtag: ReleasetheReport! Click HERE for part 2.

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