Proper Diagnosis and Treatment of Pelvic Pain, Part 1


Stephanie Prendergast, author of "Pelvic Pain Explained: What Everyone Needs to Know," explains how pelvic floor dysfunction may underlie a wide variety of challenging conditions: prostatitis in men, vaginal pain in women (vulvadynia), and sexual, bowel and urinary problems (including interstitial cystitis) in both sexes. How prevalent is pelvic pain? When should one suspect that their condition might be related to pelvic pain? What mistakes do doctors make in misdiagnosing or mistreating pelvic floor disorders? What can trigger them? Why does the media sometimes misrepresent this condition? How is it diagnosed? Are Kegel exercises and biofeedback still part of therapy? What is therapy like? Who’s qualified to properly diagnose and treat these problems? What’s being done to increase awareness of the under-appreciated roles pelvic floor dysfunction and pudendal neuralgia play in many difficult-to-treat disorders? The take-home message is one of hope for sufferers if proper therapy is applied. Click HERE for part 2.

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