Ideal Medical Care, Part 1


Our flawed medical system may be undermined by doctor dissatisfaction, which is reaching unprecedented levels. Physician suicide is a taboo subject that often goes under-reported. Dr. Pamela Wible of and author of "Physician Suicide Letters Answered" calls out the pressures to which medical professionals are routinely subjected: Impossible hours, abusive superiors, hazing rituals, regimentation, humiliation, machismo and the ever-present imperative to seem perfect and unperturbable. The results are physician burnout, patient abuse, avoidable mistakes, and rote medical care. Dr. Wible envisions Ideal Medical Care in which doctors in training are nurtured humanely and offered opportunities for personal expression and growth. Some MDs are striving to create their own ideal medical clinics which better address patients’ needs than our current assembly line care system. Other student doctors are dropping out of conventional training programs and designing their own curriculum, customized to their personal interests and career goals. Click HERE for part 2.

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